

Volunteer at the Registration Desk!


Meet all sorts of fun people very briefly, and help them on their way to their destinations.


Hi, we're Karen and Sheeri, membership coordinator and treasurer (respectively) for the CCFG. We'll be coordinating the registration desk for FiberCamp and we'd love some help so we can occasionally take some workshops too!

The expectation is that we'll have lots of extra work during the Friday night and Saturday morning shifts, and then more of a trickle during the other shifts. We shut down the registration desk at lunch time on Sunday. We'll need people to triage (determine where people need to go and direct them), and to assist with the check-in and registration processes. We expect some people will walk in with their registration fees, and we should have a computer set up to take registrations via EventBrite, but most people will already be registered and we'll just need to check them in and give them their info packet and button.


These are the times we'll need extra staff:


Friday night from 6-7 (1 hr) - 2 volunteers needed

Amy Jarvis

Katy Love

Saturday morning from 8:30-9:45 (1.25 hrs) - 1 volunteer needed

Chris Englund

Saturday morning from 10:00-11:15 (1.25 hrs) - 1 volunteer needed

Perry Hayden

Saturday afternoon from 12:45-2:00 (1.25 hrs) - 1 volunteer needed


Saturday afternoon from 2:00-3:30 (1.5 hrs) - 1 volunteer needed


Saturday afternoon from 3:30-5:00 (1.5 hrs) - 1 volunteer needed


Sunday morning from 9:00-11:00 (2 hrs) - 1 volunteer needed


Sunday morning from 11:00-12:00 (1 hr) - 1 volunteer needed


Please fill in your name under the shift you want to take by editing the page, rather than using the comments. Thanks!